Joining the James Hornsby Family
At The James Hornsby School we understand that a child’s transition from Primary to Secondary education is a significant time in their lives and we are committed to ensuring that our new students have a really positive bridging experience as we welcome them into The James Hornsby family.
Transition Days
Once students have received confirmation of their placement at the JHS they will be invited to attend a series of transition events. During each event the Year 6 students will participate in a range of activities that have been strategically designed to ensure they have all the information and skills to successfully transfer to their secondary setting. They will be introduced to key staff at the school and find out who and where they can go to for support.
Students will participate in a range of KS3 taster lessons across the curriculum, to help prepare them for the exciting and challenging learning they will enjoy in Year 7. Throughout the two transition days it is also important for us to get to know your child and their learning. They will complete reading, writing and cognition tests to help us ensure we understand and are meeting their needs as learners. Most importantly, however, will be the opportunity for your child to meet their new classmates and form relationships with each other and our staff. They will develop friendships, self-esteem and gain an understanding of the school routines, procedures and expectations allowing students to gain confidence and become comfortable in their new setting.
In addition to the on-site opportunities that we offer, students will be able to meet all the faculties and staff through videos released throughout the transition period. These will help them familiarise themselves with their new school and their future curriculum.
This is a really exciting time for year 6 students and we look forward to working with and supporting them throughout this process.
Please ensure the school has up to date contact information, particularly a regularly checked email address as this will be the main method of communication during the transition process.
JHS Transition Videos
Frequently Asked Questions by Pupils
How do you remember where every class is?
You will receive a timetable on your first day. In addition you and your parents/ carer will be able to access your timetable through an online app (details will be emailed). If you lose your timetable your form tutor or head of college will help you with a replacement.
How long is the school day?
You are expected to be on-site by 8.30am. The official school day for year 7 will finish at 3pm although you are encouraged to attend after school clubs.
Can you sit anywhere in the canteen?
You can sit anywhere in the canteen.
Can you bring your phone to school? What happens if you do? Can you use them at breaks?
We strongly encourage you not to bring your phone to school. If you do, it must be switched off and out of sight at all times. If you need to contact home, your College will support you.
How long is lunch? What food can you buy, are you allowed to choose? How much can you spend? What is I have Free School Meals?
You will get two 30 minute breaks during the day. You are allowed to choose your own lunch. There is a maximum spend of £5 per day. Free School Meal funding will automatically be added to your school account. Ask your parents to make sure your information is up to date. Click on the link:
Are there certain things you are not allowed wear to school?
Please see our uniform code.
How much homework do you get each day?
Homework is set by individual teachers. You can access homework club on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Where do you go first thing in the morning?
In the morning you will be expected to go straight to your period 1 lesson. On your very first day you will be escorted to your tutor room. Staff will be at hand to make sure you don’t get lost.
Will I know anyone in my form group?
Our tutor groups are vertical. This means that Years 7-10 students will make up your class of 30. Very quickly you will feel part of the James Hornsby Family and feel supported by all the students in your group.
If I am worried where can I go to talk to someone?
All staff are available to support if you are worried. I would strongly suggest that you see your form tutor or college in the first instance.
Do I have to do PE if I am unwell?
All students are expected to do PE, so you must always bring your PE kit. Your circumstances will be taken into account if support is required.
Where are the toilets?
There are toilets in each block. You are encouraged to access these at break, lesson change and lunchtime.
What if I forget my login or password for the computer?
Your tutor will be able to access support by sending an email ICT for a password reset. You can also go to ICT Support yourself before or after school, or during your breaks. Their office is next to SC1.
If I am ill how do I let the school know?
Your parent/ carer will need to call before the start of the school day. Any medical appointments need to be shared with the school. Absences are unauthorised unless supported by evidence.
Do my classes and groups change?
We will allocate you classes and groups when you first start and these are likely to change across the year, it is very unlikely you will be in the same classes all year round.
A Few Words from Our Students
We always say that our students are the best ambassadors for our school and some of current Year 7 students have shared their thoughts and experiences regarding their transition from Primary and their first year at The James Hornsby School.
Maddison Freeman
This year I was inspired by many teachers who helped me through my learning.
Lewis Cuthbert
Year 7 has been amazing I made lots of friends. The lessons are fun and exciting.
Caitlin Boyd
Year 7 is a great year. All of the teachers are really nice and caring. The food is nice and everything is so well organised.
Urte Dettuvaite
I feel supported at the school, they help you through emotional problems. They talk to you, give you time and space.