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The James Hornsby School




Assessment, Reporting and Parents Evenings

At The James Hornsby School we believe that both tracking and reporting on student progress are paramount to helping students become successful learners. Therefore we provide students with regular feedback on class work, home learning and formal assessments.
Moreover, parents and carers will receive a student progress report three times a year and will be invited to a parent evening to discuss their child’s progress.

As we are currently unable to meet face to face due to COVID-19, the school has introduced a virtual parents' evening system.  You will be notified when the window for booking your child's appointments is open.  The link to the system can be found on the quick links tab.

Parents Evenings

Year Group


Year 7

4th February 2021

Year 8

6th May 2021

Year 9

19th November 2020

Year 10

21st  January 2021

Year 11

3rd December 2020

Please click below for relevant downloads concerning your child.
