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The James Hornsby School


Equality Statement


The James Hornsby School recognises, and takes very seriously, our public sector equality duty to have due regard to: 

  1. Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
  2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
  3. Foster good relations across all characteristics between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

The James Hornsby School is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all members of its family. We aim to create a working environment in which all individuals are able to make best use of their skills, free from discrimination or harassment. 


Equality Objectives

Objective 1


Gaps in outcomes and attendance for students identified as VIPs to close. 

Link to SIP: Quality of Education 

3.4 There are clear and effective strategies to support all SEN learners, derived from research including EEF and implementation of statutory guidance. Subject teachers support learners and make appropriate use of Learning Profiles. 

Why we have chosen this objective: These students are not able to access the full support arrangements if not present. 

To achieve this objective we plan to: Identify and remove or mitigate barriers to attending school, utilise specialist staff (Family Support for example) or specialist services (Zenith Minds) to strengthen connections and implement plans to re-engage the CYP in their education. 


Objective 2


Embed the James Hornsby 5-a-lesson and develop the use of adaptive teaching in order to support best classroom practice for students with SEN 

Link to SIP: Quality of Education 

2.4 Effective monitoring of classroom practice addresses shortfalls in progress and provides adequate CPD to improve teacher performance. We utilise EEF and research to support these decisions. Incl. 5 a -day Model. 

Why we have chosen this objective: SEND is a priority for the MAT and the rise in increasingly complex need has made this a key priority. 

To achieve this objective we plan to: Utilise Lead Practitioners/SEN specialists to structure the personalised in class support staff need in order to embed this practice in their teaching. 


Objective 3

For those most at risk of disengagement from education, effective use of alternative provisions and appropriate provisions supports engagement, ensuring permanent exclusions remain low. 

Link to SIP: Behaviour and Attitudes 

5.3 The school makes effective and appropriate use of alternative provisions or reduced provisions which are effectively monitored and reviewed on a regular basis. 

Why we have chosen this objective: The rise in mental health conditions, social care referrals and challenges to inclusive practice has made this a priority.  

To achieve this objective we plan to: Continue to develop staff understanding and skills in using therapeutic practice, target the external mental health support to those most at risk and track the impact of the intervention in addition to regular consultation of student voice to build connections between the young people and staff.