Cultural Capital Achievements
Cultural Capital
The James Hornsby Family will ensure that along with teaching the content of the curriculum, we are also enabling students to function as well-informed individuals long after they leave school. This links with our vision in promoting ways to develop their character; this will open the door of opportunity and ignite hope, drive ambition and advance the life chances for everyone who is part of our family.
We aim to develop responsible, respectful and resilient pupils who will reflect theses skills in school and the wider community; provide a wide range of opportunities to nurture, develop and stretch pupils’ talents and interests. Pupils appreciate these opportunities and make good use of them. With this in mind, we will be looking at two key terms- Cultural Capital and Character Education.
Cultural Capital looks to equip pupils with the knowledge and cultural experiences that they need to succeed in life and developing an appreciation of creativity and achievement. We want them to experience the world and all it has to offer and find opportunities to do this, not only in their own homes and communities, but also broadening these horizons and opportunities to the wider world.
The James Hornsby Family views rewards as a vital part of it's community.
The Purpose:
- To motivate and encourage students
- To recognise students’ effort and achievement
- To reinforce the values, aims and ethos of the school
- To recognise and reward student contribution and commitment to the school
We seek to ensure that:
- A positive ethos prevails through a culture of praise
- All students irrespective of ability or background have equal access to rewards
- The reward system is fair and consistently applied across the school
We also recognise that individual students are motivated by different rewards and that as students mature their response to rewards changes. We acknowledge this by providing a comprehensive range of rewards. Achievement points are the primary reward scheme across the school and in addition to this, there is a range of other awards to provide positive reinforcement and praise to students as appropriate.
This can be in the form of celebratory breakfasts, praise phone calls home, postcards home from teachers, certificates and vouchers, blazer badges and many more. These are celebrated every half term with College Assemblies, as well as Special Awards Evenings (E.g. Year 11 Awards Evening).
Character Education
Character Education looks to compliment the cultural experience by developing their character – including their resilience, confidence and independence – and help them know how to keep physically and mentally healthy.
Through the implementation of our Student Charter our students will need to be able explore the opportunities to create, read, watch, visit, volunteer, participate and lead in all areas of our curriculum subjects and beyond but, they will have the character to stick at something if it becomes tough (resilience) and the confidence to stand in any environment and have their voice heard. This runs through our curriculum subject areas and also through the pastoral routes to ensure we are giving them as many chances as possible to explore, develop and fully appreciate all the opportunities the world has to offer.
Our Character Education programme runs through tutor times, lessons, PSHE and drop down sessions. We have external speakers in to deliver inspiring sessions on the skills sets of our students; building on areas such as resilience but, also know about their own character traits and how to nurture these to allow them to thrive. This also explores how students become aware of mental health and wellbeing and finding ways to cope in an ever changing environment. We record this through the use of their planners and guide them on ways to set specific targets that can be achieved and touched on all areas of their life: personal, ways to learn and improve, careers pathways and fun and adventure. We feel passionately that educating our pupils to find ways to develop their character will enhance every aspect of their lives in the future.