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The James Hornsby School

Successful Movember 2024

Successful Movember 2024!

Movember has finally come to an end, and the Mos are now going!

What a month it has been! Thank you to all the staff and pupils who have supported the cause this year to help us raise a total of £1283. Well done to the #Year11 students for a fantastic football game, unfortunately the staff came out winners!

This month has been all about raising awareness of men’s mental health and prostate/ testicular cancer.

Keep up the conversations and talk to each other about how you are feeling. Remember that it is ok to not be ok!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all your support!

Mr Parsad and the Mo Bros!

#movember #mobros #growamo #thankyou #JamesHornsby #JamesHornsbyFamily #Laindon #Zenith