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The James Hornsby School



Mathematics is a creative discipline which equips students with uniquely powerful ways to describe, analyse and change the world.

Students who become functional in mathematics are able to think independently can reason, solve problems and assess risk.

Mathematics lessons at the James Hornsby School feature opportunities for problem solving, student exposition, creative and elegant thought and the chance to extend understanding at all levels.

KS3 Maths

In year 7, year 8 and year 9, we build on the skills learnt in KS2 and focus on developing the basic mathematical skills necessary for preparing for GCSE.

Students basic numeracy and mental maths skills are developed through regular use of Numeracy Ninjas.

The syllabus is split into the main sections listed below and promotes teaching for understanding skills, and application of those skills to solve problems.

  • Number
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Geometry
  • Statistics
  • Algebra 

Each of the main areas will be addressed in year 7, 8 and 9, but the complexity of the sub-topics covered will increase as students continue to build on their understanding.


Throughout KS3, lessons will be delivered in a way which develops the key skills to enable understanding and application to problem solving. 

KS4 Maths

GCSE mathematics is a qualification that is desired by most employers and is
required for entry to further or higher education, so it is an important subject to
study. Students that do not gain a pass at the end of Year 11 will be required to
retake the exam as part of their further education.
The syllabus consists of key mathematical concepts and skills in: number;
algebra; geometry; probability; statistics; ratio, proportion and rates of change. It
allows students to develop mathematical independence built on a sound base
of conceptual learning and understanding. A high degree of problem solving is
developed and presented in authentic contexts.


There is a choice between two levels of entry: Foundation tier for grades 1 to 5 and
Higher for grades 4 to 9 (grade 9 being the top level). Class teachers will help with
the decision on the level of entry during Year 11. A good pass is grade 5 and above.
The course is totally exam based and these will be at the end of the course. There
are three written papers, two with a calculator and one non-calculator.


Exam board:
