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The James Hornsby School

Extra Curricular

Extra Curricular

At James Hornsby we offer an extensive extra-curricular programme available to all students throughout the school.

The Programme has developed and expanded over the past year, offering new and exciting activities for students to engage in before school, at lunch time and after school.

The programme has a registering system that allows us to keep a record of student attendance. Using this system students can be rewarded for their attendance and achievements. Rewards include; Certificates and Prizes.

Extra-curricular clubs are a fantastic way to build a rapport with both teachers and students, increase academic performance, develop social skills and increase health and well being of students. Participation within the extra-curricular programme is a fundamental aspect of being a team player at James Hornsby.

The programme offers a variety of activities across the curriculum and all students are welcome. Please see the link on the right for a full Programme of Activities.

So come along and see what is going on!