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The James Hornsby School



Drama at The James Hornsby School helps students to build their confidence and communication skills.

Our schemes of work are designed to help students build relationships, work as part of a team and develop their personalities.

Lessons take place in a fun and interactive environment. Lessons focus on creating, performing and evaluating; students evaluate each other’s work and suggest ways to improve. Students will explore a variety of stimuli to develop their drama skills and are encouraged to have fun while learning. Key stage 3 Drama is planned to prepare students for the skills required for RSL in Creative and Performing Arts and all assessments linked to this award.

Topics covered include

  • Melodrama
  • Devising Theatre
  • Characterisation
  • Physical Theatre
  • Improvisation
  • Theatre in Education
  • Scripted Theatre
  • Abstract Theatre

KS4 Drama

RSL in Creative and Performing Arts will provide students with the opportunity to develop life skills: acting builds confidence and the ability to work in a team; directing helps to develop organisational and management skills. Drama is about understanding what it is like to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes. Students will play various roles in different situations and have the opportunity to create their own work as well as explore plays written by other playwrights. Drama is about team work and co-operation, Students should consider this course if they enjoy performing both individually and as part of a team. In addition, this Level 2 award allows students to explore the theatre sector through the vocational lens, developing all the skills that would be needed to work in this industry in future as either a performer or a technician.


Unit 1: 50% – Performance of two scripts supported by coursework.
Unit 2: 50% – Planning, rehearsing, performing devised piece in response to exam board theme, supported with coursework.

Exam board: