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The James Hornsby School

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Contact Us

The James Hornsby School
Leinster Road
SS15 5NX

Tel: 01268 582400
Email: admin@thejhs.co.uk

You are welcome to contact us. Your enquiry will be directed by Mrs Davis on Main Reception.

Headteacher: Mrs T Nicholls

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss D Sumner (safeguarding@thejhs.co.uk)

Designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children : Miss C Alger

Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO): Mrs P Ganly (senco@thejhs.co.uk)

Chair of Governors: Mrs D Harris / Mr R Brooks (Mrs Harris and Mr Brooks can be contacted via the school’s postal address or at admin@thejhs.co.uk)


Paper copies of the information on our website are available on request.