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The James Hornsby School

Behaviour Expectations

Behaviour Expectations

Teachers and all staff should always expect the highest standards of behaviour from students in lessons and around the  school.  Staff  should  set  explicit  and  high  standards  and  not  accept  poor  behaviour,  work  or  lack  of  respect. Students will have excellent attitudes to learning; be self-disciplined and show respect for others’.  

Students are expected to

Develop  positive  relationships  in  the  school  and  demonstrate  impeccable  standards  of  behaviour,  good  personal relationships and have respect for all individuals. 

  •  Follow the school’s expectations and embody the school values
  • Follow the rules of the school and instructions given by staff
  • Be prepared for all lessons and complete work to the highest standard
  • Show respect for everyone and do not disrupt the learning of others
  • Arrive to school and lessons on time and always wear the full and correct uniform
  • Always represent the school with impeccable standards
  • Ensure students respect year group allocated areas
  • Adhere and respect social rules and personal space

 Home School Agreement


Rewarding Excellence

Excellent work, effort and behaviour are to be recognised and commended by staff whenever possible. 

The school uses the SIMS system to reward students with achievement points. Achievement points can be awarded by teachers, tutors and associate staff who have contact with students. Rewards for students should acknowledge the following: 

  1. Achievement
  2. Attendance
  3. Attitudes towards the James Hornsby Family ethos

Rewards & Recognition