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The James Hornsby School



If your child is absent from school you should telephone the school absence line as early as possible.

You will receive a text or a phone call from school if we have not heard from you.

Absence Line: 01268 582478 or 01268 582400 and option 1

At The James Hornsby school Attendance and Punctuality are a high priority.  If student’s attendance is poor it will affect their ability to achieve their full potential.

Under the 1996 Education act, parents and carers are responsible for ensuring their children attend school regularly and punctually.  Failure to do so could result in legal action being taken against them by the local authority.

There is no longer any entitlement in law for students to take time off during term time to go on a holiday.  The James Hornsby School expects excellent attendance of all students.

Without a valid reason students absence will be marked as unauthorised examples of unauthorised absence can be found in the attendance policy on the website.

The school has a legal duty to promote excellent attendance and prepare students for their lives beyond school.  Equally, parents have a legal duty to ensure that their children attend school regularly.  All staff are committed to working with parents and students, as this is the best way to ensure the highest levels of attendance for our school community, and the best outcomes for our students.

If you have any attendance concerns regarding your child in the first instance you should contact your College who will be happy to meet and discuss any concerns you have. 

 Students Attitude and Attendance in school will be considered when being invited to attend a trip or a visit as part of our enrichment offer. It is expected that students have good attendance (96%) and attitude at all times (Individual circumstances may be considered).


Lesson 1 starts at 8.40am to enable a prompt start students are expected to be in school by 8.30am (prep-time) every day.